

Elena Herdieckerhoff is an ambassador for highly sensitive people (HSPs), Business Mentor and Motivational Speaker. She is the founder of Entreprincess and Sensitive Awakening as well as a TEDx speaker. She is on a mission to help spread positive awareness and inspiration for highly sensitive people around the world.

On May 21, 2016, Elena delivered a powerful speech on the TEDx Paris stage. Her talk generated over 1-million views on YouTube .

On a personal note, Elena is from Munich, Germany and has graduated from the Sorbonne, University College London and the London School of Economics. Elena is also a Reiki Master and has a diploma in Aromatherapy. She is passionate about entrepreneurship, organic living, French literature, spirituality, her family and friends, cupcakes, high heels, and travels to Italy and Greece! She is trilingual English, German and French.

Find out more about Elena's Business Mentoring Work  here: http://www.entreprincess.com/ 


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